In today’s bit of sad and unexpected news, Arcen Games (of AI War and Bionic Dues fame, among other great indie gems) has announced that they will pull the recently released In Case of Emergency, Release Raptor from sale, and will refund existing customers. Those who already own the game will get to keep it however, even if the company will refund them their money anyway.
The reason for this abrupt move is that the game’s developers haven’t seen enough sales from it to guarantee it’s going to be able to maintain its development costs. Being Arcen‘s first 3d game means that it needs a lot of work, and development team doesn’t feel like they can bring it to a point where they are happy with the game with the current sales projections.
Chris Park, the game’s lead developer, wrote a lengthy blog post that details the current situation for In Case of Emergency, Release Raptor. In a nutshell, the team feels like it’s not a project that will succeed in the current market, and that they may revisit the concept in the future if the opportunity arises. Instead of releasing a half-assed game and calling it a day, they believe that customers deserve better support, and will focus on other projects for the time being.
Here at Gaming on PC we are quite sad about this news, since we’ve been following Arcen Games‘ recent string of bad luck closely, and we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to the people working there for their openness and sincerity when discussing their situation. Hopefully, the resources poured into In Case of Emergency, Release Raptor won’t be wasted, and Arcen will be able to rise from the ashes of its temporary cancellation.
Check out Arcen Games‘ website, as they plan to run a Kickstarter campaign for a new game soon, and they need all the visibility they can get. In an age in which most game companies forget to talk about missing features, or release unfinished projects, the people working at Arcen have always been incredibly transparent and willing to go the extra mile to support their customers. Please don’t let all that fade into obscurity.
Source: Arcen Games blog
🙁 Arcen are good guys, this is awful