Tindalos Interactive‘s most excellent space RTS Battlefleet Gothic: Armada will get the Tau Empire faction in an upcoming DLC pack, and interested players can try out the beta for it now.
Gamers who purchased Battlefield Gothic: Armada before June 21, 2016 will get the DLC pack for free, while people who got the game after the cutoff date will be able to purchase it for a yet unknown price (probably US$ 6.99, considering that’s the price for the Space Marines DLC which was also free for early adopters)
Instructions to access the Tau Empire Beta:
- Open your Steam library
- Right-click Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, and select ‘Properties’
- Navigate to the ‘Betas’ tab
- Under ‘Select the beta you would like to opt into:’, select ‘tau_beta – Tau Public Beta’
- Close the properties window
- An update will begin downloading for Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
- Once the update has finished, check that ‘Battlefleet Gothic: Armada – Tau Empire BETA’ is ticked under the DLC section
The beta will last until early next week.
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