Bethesda has released a new trailer for the upcoming Nuka-World DLC for the latest entry in their open world action RPG series.
Nuka-World is the last piece of DLC for Fallout 4, and it will be released on August 30, 2016. It can be purchased for US$19.99 on its own, or for US$49.99 as part of the game’s Season Pass.
Hop on the Nuka-Express for a trip to Nuka-World… America’s Favorite Vacation Destination! The fun starts on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on Tuesday, August 30th.
Nuka-World is a vast amusement park featuring Raider gangs and unique park zones like Safari Adventure, the World of Refreshment, Dry Rock Gulch, Kiddie Kingdom, Galactic Zone, and Nuka-Town, USA. Nuka-World features new quests, Raiders factions, weapons, creatures and more. Enjoy the ride!