Book of Demons Adds Rogue Class

Thing Trunk‘s Book of Demons has received a new free update, adding the Rogue, a third playable class that appeals to the marksman in all of us.

Voiced by Rachael Messer (known for her amazing work in Paladins and Heroes of Newerth), the Rogue is more of a Jill of all trades when compared to the other two heroes (Warrior and Mage) since she isn’t focused on a single playstyle, letting gamers pull off long ranged attacks with her bow and slicing foes with her daggers if they get too close. As usual, this new class also comes with its own Class Cards (sixteen of them, to be precise), helping the Rogue control and defeat large crowds of enemies with relative ease.

The release of the Rogue marks the final class-focused update, and Thing Trunk has revealed the roadmap for future Early Access updates, up until their planned release window of late 2018.

  • Rogue Live – We are here!
  • Cursed Sarcophagi + Spatial Sound Update – a special kind of Sarcophagi for those who dare take the risk. And yes, you read that right, spatial stereo sound in the dungeon (currently everything is flat center).
  • Mac Support + Minimap Update – Due to popular demand we will be adding minimap and the update will come at the same time as Mac support
  • Quest Mastering + Archdemon Fight – This one will include the ability to use golden keys to fight through quest levels again at higher difficulties for better rewards and an overhaul of the whole Archdemon level and fight (extra duck included).
  • Tobii Support + Speedrun to Cook Update – Ever wanted to play Book of Demons with your gaze? With Tobii Eyetracker you will be able to. Plus a new mode and leaderboard are coming in that update – how fast can you get to the first boss?
  • Challenge Mode Update – Generate custom levels and challenge your friends to beat them in an offline competitive mode!
  • Sounds + Languages Update – This update will include all remaining sounds in the game. We will also proofread and include community translations into the game at this point.
  • Launch Day Update – New cards. As always we plan to go with quality over quantity so expect a couple of new cards meshing nicely with pre-existing mechanics.

A weeklong 30% off discount will be offered in order to celebrate this update, and players who wish to test drive Book of Demons before committing to a purchase can download a free demo on Steam.

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