Triternion, a 10-person international indie development outfit, has just launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund development of their multiplayer medieval fighting game Mordhau. The developers set out to create Mordhau after racking up countless hours of playtime on similar titles such as Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Mount & Blade and the Jedi Knight series. Their new game will take the basic mechanics of those classic titles, and improve upon them with a skill-based free-flowing combat system that doesn’t rely on canned animations, using real-time collision detection to detect sword hits and clashes instead. An advanced gore simulation will also be in place, although Triternion promises that players will be able to customize it to some extent if they dislike the sight of blood and guts after skewering their enemy.
Bot support is also a promised feature, and the developers have pledged to support the game after release with frequent content updates. Mordhau will not be released on Steam’s Early Access program, but users of Valve’s platform may want to head over to the title’s Greenlight page and add it to their favorites list.
Mordhau is a multiplayer medieval fighting game where fights range from duels all the way to large, open battles of up to 64 players with horses, siege engines, and castles to be stormed. It features a skill-based free-flowing combat system that is easy to learn, but hard to master.
The game is being built on Unreal Engine 4 and will be released on Steam for Windows PCs. Other operating systems and platforms might follow post-release, but there are no concrete plans at the moment.
Gamers interested in backing the multiplayer medieval fighting title can choose from different reward tiers, ranging from a digital copy of the game for US$ 20 (which will grant them access to Mordhau once it’s released next year) to Beta access (US$ 40, shipping in January 2018 at the earliest) or Alpha level, which will let players test the title during its alpha stage for US$ 60 (estimated release date, August 2017)
As it’s the case with most Kickstarter campaigns, even more pricey reward tiers are available for dedicated backers.
The campaign will run for 30 days, and developers Triternion are asking for the relatively moderate sum of US$ 80,000. Stretch goals are also in place, and so far we know that if the project reaches US$ 125,000, the game will get an expanded arsenal. Future stretch goals haven’t been revealed, but the image posted on the Kickstarter campaign may offer some hints.