Codeglue Launches Fig Campaign for Action Packed Arena Title Antegods

Codeglue, a Dutch indie outfit known for their work on simple and original titles such as Rocket Riot or ibb & obb, has just launched a crowdfunding campaign to support further development of their upcoming action-packed arena title Antegods. The game has an estimated release window of Q2, 2018, and backers interested in snagging a digital copy for a discounted price may want to take a look at the different Early Bird tiers which range from US$ 15 for a digital download of the game plus some high resolution desktop art, to an US$ 20 bundle which also offers Closed Beta access (limited to the first 50 backers who choose this tier)

Antegods is an action-packed arena game in which the remnants of the Mayan civilization have taken to space. Two teams of 4 players each control customizable stonepunk mechs to hunt for energy and fight off opponents in a procedurally generated and highly destructible map. The ultimate goal is to activate enormous ‘titan’ statues that will bring explosive mayhem down upon the enemy team. Whoever wins these tactical battles climbs an intergalactic tournament ladder, ultimately becoming gods themselves.


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