A THQ Nordic representative confirmed today that previous owners of Darksiders on Steam will be upgraded to the upcoming Warmastered Edition for free, following the same trend set by the publisher with their handling of the remastered versions of Titan Quest and the second Darksiders game.
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition features:
- Support for up to 4k video output resolution
- Doubled all the texture resolutions
- Re-rendered all cutscenes in high quality
- Rendering improvements and rework
- Better shadow rendering quality
- Post processing effects
- Optimized framerate
- Wide Variety of Graphic Options (FOV, Postprocessing effects, Anti-Aliasing, Texture Filtering, Windowed/Fullscreen, etc.)
- Steam Trading Cards
- Native Steam Controller Support
This remaster will be released today, so gamers interested in saving some cash may want to pick up the original Darksiders right now, as it’s on sale for US$ 3.99 (80% off, thanks to the Steam Autumn Sale)
well it’s kinda bullshit that some of us didn’t get the Deathfinitive edition because we didn’t pay the franchise pack…
Check here: http://ds2dekeyredeem.nordicgames.at/auth.php
They may have changed how it worked, I remember that some people who had game+season pass weren’t able to get the remaster, but after some back and forth with Nordic, that changed.
It doesn’t work anymore…wellp. Shit happens
RIP dreams 🙁