New World Interactive announced today that their WW2 tactical shooter Day of Infamy will leave Early Access on March 23. The game has been on the program for less than a year, and the developers have used that time to add new features, maps and hundreds of bugfixes.
Full release features:
- Unit System: Collect digital militaria items in the form of new character art representing various regiments and divisions for each faction. Rank progression unlocks a random unit for players to use or trade. Within a unit, new character artwork includes arm patches, hats, helmet stencils, uniforms, camouflages, and voice over.
- Commando Cooperative Difficulty: A new playlist for PvE Cooperative gameplay featuring elite AI opponents and limited fire support options.
- 10 Maps: With the recent addition of Foy and Crete, a full range of environments to fight in are featured in the game.
From entrenched shores to battered streets, Day of Infamy takes the player into intense close-quarters WWII infantry combat. What started out as an Insurgency mod has transformed into a full-fledged standalone game built with Source Engine. Inspired by Day of Defeat, Day of Infamy builds off the atmosphere and nostalgia of this classic experience, but adds more visceral and intense core infantry mechanics.