Destiny 2 Is Giving Out Free Loot to Compensate for a Bug

Destiny 2 is holding a “free loot” event of sorts on November 19, to compensate for a rare bug that made certain perk combinations harder to get. The bug itself was supposedly solved with today’s update

The latest dungeon will also get double drops for the November 19-December 3 period. Bungie promises to release a deep-dive article talking about the specifics of the perk weighting bug (which made certain perk combinations significantly harder to obtain, though it wasn’t discovered until it negatively affected a very popular combo in a new dungeon weapon, because before that it had either affected undesirable rolls, or very niche ones that weren’t as likely to draw attention to the bug)

Here are the weapons being given away on November 19 (the end date for the promotion is currently unknown):

  • Rose (Lightweight Hand Cannon, Competitive Playlist reward): Fluted Barrel, Accurized Rounds, Slideshot, Explosive Payload, Smooth Grip, Handling Masterwork.
  • Multimach (Lightweight SMG, Iron Banner reward): Polygonal Rifling + Tactical Mag + Attrition Orbs + Kinetic Tremors + Reload Masterwork.
  • Indebted Kindness (Rocket Sidearm, Warlord’s Ruin Dungeon): Smart Drift Control + Tactical Mag + Loose Change + Voltshot + Velocity Masterwork.
  • Compass Rose (Precision Frame Shotgun, Solstice Event Reward): Corkscrew Rifling, Light Mag, Snapshot Sights, Slideshot, Handling Masterwork.
  • The Hothead (Adept) (Adaptive Frame Rocket Launcher, legacy Nightfall Reward): Hard Launch + Impact Casing + Tracking Module + Clown Cartridge + Reload Masterwork.
  • VS Chill Inhibitor (Rapid Fire Heavy Grenade Launcher, Vesper’s Host Dungeon): Countermass + Spike Grenades + Envious Arsenal + Bait and Switch + Reload Masterwork.

The dungeon weapons require ownership of the related dungeon, plus at least one completion of said activity.

Out of all of these weapons, I foresee people being interested the most in VS Chill Inhibitor (the one that sparked the investigation into the bug) and Rose (due to it being a very popular dueling handcannon in PvP). Multimach is also attractive but it’s a niche PvE roll, and the rest of the guns offer perk combos that weren’t really super attractive to players. Still it’s a very nice move on Bungie‘s part to just give away the loot as a “sorry we dropped the ball” move. Players who wish to acquire the guns should head over to Banshee-44 in the Tower social space after November 19th’s daily reset.

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