Devolver Digital Unveils Fast Paced FPS High Hell

Devolver Digital announced today that they are working with Terri Vellmann (Heavy Bullets) and Doseone (Enter the Gungeon, Gang Beasts) to produce High Hell, a bold and colorful first person shooter.

Going from the gameplay trailer that I shared above, High Hell will take us to all sorts of interesting locales as we rain down fire upon drug dealers and corporate drones. The game’s vibrant color palette and energetic soundtrack serve as an excellent complement to its low-poly art style, and we’ll have to fight all sorts of goons and massive bosses.

I’m getting a Hotline Miami meets Lovely Planet vibe from this trailer, so High Hell has instantly shot up to my top 10 most anticipated first person shooters list.

The original High Hell pitch just had players kicking down doors and setting fire to bags of cocaine but that would have made for a weird age rating description so we added in a bunch of guns and violence.

Devolver Digital CFO Fork Parker.

One thought on “Devolver Digital Unveils Fast Paced FPS High Hell

  1. Pingback: Fast Paced FPS High Hell out Now on Steam | Gaming on PC

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