Left 4 Dead Inspired Co-Op Shooter Earthfall out Now on Early Access

Holospark‘s four player cooperative shooter Earthfall is now out on the Steam Early Access platform. The independent development team stated that they view Valve‘s successful Left 4 Dead series as the biggest inspiration behind their Unreal Engine 4 powered action game, and as such, players will need to work as a team in order to complete objectives and defeat the alien menace. A dynamic spawn system should ensure an experience similar to the one created by the AI director, avoiding repetitive matches and challenging players with unpredictable enemies.

EARTHFALL: The end of the world is here! Emerging from the devastation of a global meteor strike, aliens swarm the landscape and ravage the planet. Everyday people must stand together and fight back with a wide variety of weapons, supplies, and defenses as they battle through the towns and wilderness of the Pacific Northwest.

Coming to Steam Early Access in early 2017 and later to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Earthfall is a co-operative shooter for up to four players. Using team-based tactics to fortify holdouts and complete objectives, players must work together to survive EARTHFALL!


  • Co-operative Survival For up to Four Players – Team up with friends to survive the alien infestation. Robust multiplayer support and A.I. teammates stand ready to ensure a full team at any time regardless of available players
  • Build Your Defenses – Strategically deploy barricades to block the enemy hordes and install turrets anywhere to create perfect alien killing zones
  • Print Your Weapons – Use advanced 3D printers to print more than twenty different weapons to use against the vicious alien enemies
  • Multiple Campaigns – Each campaign tells a story across several missions, allowing players to dive in and experience diverse settings and mission types across the Pacific Northwest (one campaign availabile in initial Early Access release)
  • Close Encounters of the Brutal Kind – Deadly aliens come in all shapes and sizes, from massive drones armies attacking in waves to towering behemoths spitting plasma, every experience is different, each time you play
  • Battle Unpredictable Enemies – Earthfall features a dynamic spawn system providing a constant set of new challenges lurking behind every corner
  • An Unfolding Story – Every campaign reveals new content and secrets behind the world of Earthfall and the cataclysmic alien invasion

Earthfall will cost US$ 14.99 for the duration of the Early Access period (from six months to a year) and the developers intend to raise the price slightly once the game is fully released.

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