Maelstrom Is a Refreshing New Take on the Battle Royale Genre, out on Early Access Right Now

Avast ye scurvy dogs! It’s time for yet another Battle Royale game, only this one is actually doing something different, and might stand a chance against the onslaught of PUBG/Fortnite clones that will soon be upon us. Gunpowder Games have just launched a new Early Access multiplayer ship combat game titled Maelstrom, which promises to take the Battle Royale genre to previously uncharted waters.

According to the game’s Steam page, players will be able to command a warship from a selection of nine vessels, battling other captains in a fight that ends when there’s only one ship left. A relatively open map gets smaller as the battle progresses (thanks to the introduction of hungry sea monsters that will turn slowpokes into mincemeat) and an interesting progression system ensures that even defeat can bring us a little bit closer to victory next time, as we earn customization items for our vessel that change our future tactical options.

Priced at US$19.99, Maelstrom also includes bots, and should the game sell enough copies, a singleplayer campaign could be in the horizon.


  • Tactical naval combat: survive a magical ocean and its deadly creatures
  • Master the open sea: power up your ship with loot from sinking enemy ships
  • Fast-paced action: use cannons, ramming and boarding to sink opponents
  • Aye aye cap’n: Pick a captain and crew that fit your combat style
  • Brains & brawn: positional damage, ammo types, and special captain abilities
  • Solo and multiplayer: AI captains are capable opponents who offer no quarter

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