Cryptic Studios‘ recently launched MMO ARPG Magic: Legends will shut down on October 31, 2021. The game released in open Beta via the Arc Launcher and the Epic Games Store in March 2021, but apparently it didn’t hit the milestones expected by the publisher and the developers, so it will be closed down before leaving the Beta phase.
Players who paid real money for ingame items during the open Beta phase will get full refunds, and the item shop will transition to a fully free to play model later this week. The servers will stay open until October 31st, so the option to check it out is there if you were intrigued and don’t mind spending some time playing a title that already has an expiration date. Personally, I wasn’t sold on the card based ability system, and I’d rather wait for Lost Ark‘s Western release for my MMO ARPG fix.
Hello Planeswalkers,
It is with heavy hearts that we announce Magic: Legends will be shutting down on October 31, 2021. All players who spent money in-game across Arc and the Epic Games Store during the Open Beta will be refunded their full purchase amounts. Servers will remain open for play until closing day, however we will be closing the Zen Shop effective immediately. Later this week, all items will instead be purchasable using Aether, our free in-game currency.
Our vision for Magic: Legends missed the mark, but we are proud of what we achieved. Thanks to Wizards of the Coast, we got to bring the expansive Magic: The Gathering Multiverse to a wide audience and explore new angles within the established ARPG genre. We learned several valuable lessons along the way, and we will use them to improve Cryptic’s future development efforts.
Most importantly, we’d like to thank all of the players who explored the Multiverse with us and provided feedback during the Alpha and Beta testing phases. We couldn’t have gotten this far without you!
Steve Ricossa