New Heroes of the Storm video reveals Zarya as an upcoming hero

Looks like Zarya will soon enter the Nexus in Heroes of the Storm, joining Tracer as they represent the Overwatch franchise in Blizzard‘s MOBA.

The Machines of War update will also bring StarCraft themed maps to the game, and a new Protoss hero, Alarak.

Worlds collide as the Koprulu sector enters the Nexus, setting the stage for battles that will shake both realms to their core. Two new battlegrounds filled with signature StarCraft carnage await: time to let the nukes fly and unleash the fury of the Swarm on your enemies. Dominate the battlefield as Alarak, the Tal’darim Highlord, a brand-new arrival to the Nexus hailing from the sci-fi epic Legacy of the Void. Don new, themed Hero skins and fight side by side with familiar characters seen through the lens of StarCraft. The terrans, protoss, and zerg are no strangers to conflict, but the coming war across the Nexus will prove to be more intense than anything they have ever known.

Hell, it’s about time.


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