No Man’s Sky active player base down 90% in two weeks since release on PC

To say that No Man’s Sky was a highly anticipated game would be selling it short. The space action and exploration juggernaut was revealed back in 2013, and players have been lusting for it since then.

Sadly, the state of the released game wasn’t exactly what gamers expected (or even what the developers promised, since many features were cut before release without letting buyers know that before they had the title on their hands)

It seems that PC gamers were really interested in the title, beating many triple A games’ records in the process.

However, data from SteamSpy and Steamcharts indicates that most of those players didn’t enjoy the title as much as they hoped, since concurrent player numbers have suffered a sharp decline in the two weeks since release.

nms peak steamcharts

The game went from an all time peak of 212k players to a meager 22k daily peak.

At first, we attributed that sharp decline to poor PC performance, but that explanation doesn’t really hold up when you consider that the game received four patches since launch, which fixed most of the performance issues that people were having.

There is still hope for Hello Games‘ ambitious space exploration game, as the developer has promised new features such as owning freighters, or creating planetary bases. Of course, no one can say if that will be enough to bring players back to No Man’s Sky. Most of the issues that players have with the game right now don’t exactly stem from the lack of base building, but they seem more focused on missing features such as the ability to meet other players ingame, or the apparent removal of planetary physics.

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