One Finger Death Punch 2 Gets Free Demo Ahead of April Launch

Gameplay trailers are nice, but there’s nothing like being able to play something on our own. I’m sure a lot of people would agree with me there, and it seems that the cool guys working at Silver Dollar Games are part of that unknown number of “play before you buy” crowd, as they’ve just released a demo for their upcoming rhythm game-slash-brawler One Finger Death Punch 2 ahead of its April 15th launch date.

According to my limited time with the demo build, One Finger Death Punch 2 builds upon its predecessor’s already excellent gameplay, featuring fast paced kung fu action that can be enjoyed by anyone, but only mastered by a select few. The developers say that the full version of the game will let us unlock over 26 skills and fight on 400+ levels. This limited demo build features a bit less than an hour’s worth of content, enough to give a decent sampler to anyone who didn’t play the original One Finger Death Punch (which is still available on Steam for just US$4.99, and definitely worth at least double that in my humble opinion).

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