PC Building Simulator Adds MSI Hardware, Still Coming to Early Access on March 27

Remember when you built your first PC? I do, it was a Pentium 166 MMX with an S3 Vision 864 card that later got paired with a Voodoo 3D chip. Did it feel great? You can bet it did! I felt like I could take on the world after carefully putting together all those pricey components without breaking them. The base of that machine lasted a long while too, as it was later upgraded to a K6-2 350 that would let me play all sorts of advanced games.

Nowadays, gamers probably don’t have as much time as I had back then, so many will opt for prebuilt computers or store-built custom configurations. Thankfully, The Irregular Corporation is aware that building a PC can be a source of good times, so they are working on PC Building Simulator, a game that will let everyone experience the joys of PC building from the comfort of their own machine (custom built or otherwise). Featuring all sorts of modern hardware (with properly licensed representations of the real thing, as you can see in the video I linked below, which showcases MSI’s contributions to the game), PC Building Simulator aims to hit Early Access on March 27th.

Gamers who wish to build their own custom systems in the future but don’t currently possess the know-how required to perform such a task will be happy to learn that PC Building Simulator will ship with an in-depth tutorial system, guiding players step by step through the PC building process.

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