Platinum Games is a well known Japanese developer of character action games, with a number of impressive titles on its portfolio, even if their contract work for Activision may not be as well received as their original titles.
Sadly, only a few of those titles have made it to the PC platform, with gems such as the Bayonetta series, MadWorld, Wonderful 101 and especially Vanquish confined to the shackles of last gen consoles.
However, Kotaku’s new interview with Platinum Games co-founder Atsushi Inaba may give PC gamers interested in Vanquish a glimmer of hope.
Excerpts of the interview follow:
KOTAKU: It’s long been that the Japanese games industry has been centered around consoles. But you’ve just mentioned how you are interested in releasing titles on PC. Do you think the Japanese game industry has changed regarding PC?
INABA: Perhaps. But to be honest, we’re good friends with Valve and often go to their studio. We go there, hang out, talk about many different things, and we are very interested in Steam and would definitely like to release games on Windows. Right now, we’re at a place in which publishers ask us to make titles. So, if the publisher doesn’t want to release a PC version, then there won’t be a PC version. It really comes down to that.
AARON: Is there any possibility that Vanquish will get a PC version?
KOTAKU: It would be a good idea to release Vanquish on PC.
INABA: (smiling) Hrm. I wonder… If you stop recording, I can talk about that. (laughs)
KOTAKU: Platinum Games is very much a global game studio. If you compare Platinum to, say, your typical Japanese studio, Platinum seems very different.
INABA: Thank you very much.
KOTAKU: Like, in Japan, there really aren’t that many game companies that say they want to make PC versions.
INABA: That certainly seems to be true. I think the reason for that is that in Japan, the PC versions don’t sell much. Outside Japan, they do, but within the country, they do not. But, if you look aboard, everyone is playing on the PC. It’s something you cannot ignore.
As you can see, Mr. Inaba is open to the possibility of releasing Vanquish on PC. The game was published by Sega in 2010, so there’s a chance that the company is working on a re-release that would let players enjoy one of the finest action games ever released with a smooth framerate and all the benefits of PC gaming.
Source: Kotaku
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