Volition has just announced that their excellent Saints Row IV now features Steam Workshop support. Thanks to this new feature, gamers can now download and use different mods with just a few clicks.
Official press release follows:
The Saints Row series is all about the freedom to play how you want, and we’re now taking that one step further with Steam Workshop support for Saints Row IV PC! It’s never been easier to create and install mods that add new weapons and clothing, run custom scripts, and change gameplay values. Head over to the Saints Row IV community hub in your Steam client, click the Workshop tab, and start browsing. It’s just that easy!
To celebrate, Saints Row IV PC is on sale for 75% off on Steam all this week and next!
There were many challenges in implementing Steam Workshop support since the game was not originally designed to support modding. A handful of dedicated Volition devs worked on this in their free time to update the engine and remove memory restrictions, as well as finding a way for individual mods to interact and work correctly with each other without the need for running special tools. It was all a labor of love for our fans, and we’re incredibly excited to see the crazy content you come up with!
One last extra special thanks to the modding community at http://saintsrowmods.com who worked with us on creating and improving the tools, along with all the testing and feedback over the last few years. We couldn’t have done it without you!
* Please note that only the Windows version of Saints Row IV PC is currently compatible with Workshop. We hope to announce Linux support soon.