Size Five Games’ Lair of the Clockwork God Releasing Next Month

If you are into point and click adventures then I’ve got good news for you, as Size Five Games (The Swindle, Ben There, Dan That!, among other gems) revealed today that Lair of the Clockwork God will be out for PC on February 21st.

If you haven’t yet played a Size Five Games title, then I’d recommend heading over to Steam and checking out the Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack, which includes two excellent titles for just US$4.99 (and there’s even a demo, which is a rare sight these days).

BEN is a die-hard, old-school LucasArts Adventure fan. His feet never leave the floor, and he’s happiest collecting any old junk he can lay his hands on, in the hopes of combining it all together to solve a satisfying puzzle. His cohort and sidekick DAN has decided there’s no money to be made in Adventure Games any more, so he’s going to be an indie darling platformer instead.

LAIR OF THE CLOCKWORK GOD sees you switching between both characters and using their unique abilities together in a race-against-time effort to stop all the Apocalypses happening simultaneously by teaching an old computer about feelings.

LAIR OF THE CLOCKWORK GOD is a new, standalone adventure starring Dan and Ben, heroes of hit point-and-click games “Ben There, Dan That!” and “Time Gentlemen, Please!”, which are somehow already definitely in your Steam library, even if you can’t quite remember how?

If you want to help the developer (who is a truly awesome human being), then please use the #ClockworkGod when talking about the game on social media. Oh, and send him all your fan art! Steam wishlists also help (and will notify you when the game is out, or if it goes on sale, should you prefer to wait a while before picking it up)

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