Slitherine announces new turn based Warhammer 40.000 title

Well known wargame publisher Slitherine has announced that they are working on a new Warhammer 40.000 videogame, due for release before the end of the year.
This new game is known as Warhammer 40.000: Sanctus Reach, and it runs on Slitherine‘s new Archon 3d engine.


Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach is a 3D turn-based strategy game like you’ve never seen before: fast, immediate, deep, impressive to look at and incredibly fun! Lead the Space Wolves in their struggle against the Orks through two uncompromising and long story-driven campaigns: Stormclaw and Hour of the Wolf.

Command several dozen different authentically crated units and heroes, each with unique and extremely detailed 3D models that bring the world of Warhammer 40,000 to life. The gameplay is rich and varied: spend your points, make your list, choose your deployment, and fight!

Units at your disposal have different abilities, strengths and weaknesses, can level up and are carried over between scenarios. Choose among many different types of weapons, watch your flanks and make wise use of the terrain: any tactical choice will be vital.


• Lead either the Space Wolves Space Marines in the campaign or the green tide of the Orks in skirmish battles!
• Two campaigns: Stormclaw (over 20 missions and skirmishes!) and Hour of the Wolf (over 25 missions and skirmishes!)
• Play as the mighty Space Wolf heroes Krom Dragongaze, Ragnar Blackmane and their Jarl, the High King of Fenris, Logan Grimnar as well as the Ork Warbosses Grukk FaceRippa and Mogrok da Mangla
• 30 Space Wolf units from packs of Blood Claws to the fearsome Predator – And lead the legendary Imperial Knight Gerantius!
• 30 Ork Goff units including the formidable Gorkonaut!
• Unit experience level progression though campaigns which unlock new abilities and tactical options
• Generated skirmish maps on many different types of terrain and environment
• Addictive multiplayer modes using Slitherine’s online PBEM++ server and a ranking system


sanctus mechssanctus orks

Here’s hoping for a new Chaos Gate.

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