Streamline is Free on Steam Today

Proletariat‘s recently launched multiplayer parkour game Streamline will be free on Steam from 12:00 PM EST on Thursday, November 17 to 12:00 PM EST on Friday, November 18. Gamers who add the title to their Steam libraries during this period will own the game forever (this isn’t a normal free weekend promotion)

Welcome to Streamline, a fast-paced, third person game built for and around streaming. Take on the role of Broadcaster, Player, or Viewer and change the way the game itself is played!

Stream First

Streamline has been designed and built from the ground up to be perfect for streaming. Broadcasters can easily make parties to play with their communities while stream viewers can bet on players, change the rules of the game in real-time, compete in mini-games, and more to become (in)famous on the stream, all by using, a unique website integrated on desktop, mobile, or tablet. Streamline is the perfect game for Sub Sundays, Follower Fridays , or just playing together with your friends.

Elimination Mode

Throughout Early Access, Proletariat is developing multiple game modes for Streamline, each featuring one or more broadcasters, up to 16 Players, and tens, or even hundreds of, thousands of Viewers. In the first mode, ‘Elimination’, players free-run around the maps, gather points, and avoid the competition. The Hunter tracks down the Runners and eliminates them from play while streaming to the Viewers. Viewers can bet on the best Runner to win big, change the rules of the game in real-time, and play mini-games like Bingo. Give your Runner an edge by turning the floor into lava or bringing them back from the dead or help the Hunter by restricting the Runners’ movements or making them explode if they touch each other!

The Story So Far

Set in the near future, Streamline pits Runners vs. Hunters in a new sport enhanced by augmented reality and physical skills. After growing tired of mainstream sports with their limited mechanics, overblown sponsorships, and corporate greed, the Streamline Pro League was formed. Taking advantage of their dilapidated surroundings, players in the SPL run, jump, and fly through abandoned shipyards, vacant schoolyards, and crumbling skyscrapers while live streaming all of it to their adoring fans. Runners want to gather up as many points as they can while avoiding the Hunter. If they’re eliminated, they become Ghosts who stay in the game to haunt or help other players.

Streamline brings Stream First gaming to the masses!

Feature list

  • Built from the ground up as a Stream First Game for Broadcasters, Players, and Viewers to play together!
  • Experience the excitement of playing a 16 player arena game in front of a massive live audience.
  • As a Runner or Hunter, interact with dozens of Rules chosen or purchased by the Viewers in real-time.
  • Earn dozens of Bonuses and Accolades in front of your peers and the audience for pulling off the impossible. Do well enough and get your name in lights!
  • Play on 5 unique maps each with their own strategies and pitfalls.
  • Customize your character with hundreds of pieces of clothing in a rainbow of colors.
  • As a Viewer, use stream-synchronized data for seamless interactions between the game and the Viewers without delay or lag.
  • Use, a unique website, to interact with the stream and compete against other viewers in real-time.

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