System Shock Reboot Now Powered by Unreal Engine

Nightdive Studios has just released a new trailer for their upcoming System Shock reboot, showcasing the title’s new engine, which is none other than Epic‘s industry leading Unreal Engine 4. The first version of the System Shock reboot was powered by Unity, and some backers had expressed their concern over the title’s performance on consoles. The developers have also opened the Slacker Backer portal, letting gamers prepurchase the title directly from them, and contribute towards a number of stretch goals in the process.

Welcome Back to Citadel Station…. Hacker.

We’ve gathered a team of industry veterans from games like Fallout: New Vegas, Mass Effect, and BioShock to create a faithful reboot of the classic game we all know and love. In System Shock, you’ll take on the role of a resourceful hacker as you explore and survive the terrors of Citadel Station brought on by a rogue AI named SHODAN.

To ensure this reboot is as true to the original as possible, we’ve been collaborating with the original developers of System Shock 1.  Understanding what they would do differently and keep the same has helped us to refresh a classic in ways Looking Glass Studios would have.

We’re making System Shock for gamers that missed the opportunity to appreciate the original, and for the dedicated fans of System Shock 1.  We love talking to our backers, so please help support this project and share your thoughts as we make the best System Shock for all of you!

— Nightdive Studios

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