THQ Nordic revealed today that This Is The Police is getting a sequel, due for release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC later this year.
This time around, the action is set on Sharpwood, a remote border town in the north. Players will control Lilly Reed (voiced by Sarah Hamilton of The Longest Journey fame) and they will have to maintain order and peace both among the local populace and their subordinates, uncouth men who aren’t used to receiving commands from a young woman. Things will become even more complicated with the sudden appearance of a mysterious stranger, who might bring salvation or perdition to Sharpwood.
Gamers who played the original This Is The Police will feel right at home with its sequel, as the same mixture of adventure and management genres is also present here, though new mechanics will be introduced to keep the action fresh and exciting. Subordinates have become living people and not simply unnamed resources, living with their own strengths, weaknesses, fears and prejudices.
In a piece of related news, This Is The Police is currently on sale for US$4.94 (67% off).