THQ Nordic Now Owns TimeSplitters and Second Sight

THQ Nordic announced this week that they’ve acquired both the TimeSplitters and Second Sight IPs. Plans for the future of both franchises are being set in motion, and the public will learn about them soon-ish.

Remember TimeSplitters? I know you are reading Gaming on PC, so you probably grew up on Doom, Duke Nukem, Quake, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the like, but there’s a pretty big chance that even if you didn’t play console shooters you’ve heard that name somewhere. Quick history lesson, the TimeSplitters series was created by Free Radical Design (now known as Deep Silver Dambuster) and it was a mix of the arcade action of the console James Bond titles and good old British humor. As it was common with console shooters of that generation, split screen multiplayer was in, and it was MAJESTIC. Sadly, after the third game failed to sell enough copies to become a mega hit, the franchise was put on hold indefinitely, and would seemingly die with Free Radical Design (with the exception of a fan made project titled TimeSplitters Rewind). Hopefully now that Dambuster is working for Deep Silver (part of the Koch Media/THQ Nordic family) we’ll see a true TimeSplitters 4.

Now that we’ve reminisced about TimeSplitters, may I bother you with some information on a relatively unknown third person shooter that actually made its way to PC when it was released back in 2004? I’m talking about Second Sight of course, an action game that focused on psychic powers over firearm mastery, but for some unknown reason didn’t sell so well (actually, the PC port wasn’t exactly great, so there’s that) even though it was inventive, had a pretty good story, and featured gameplay mechanics that were almost unheard of at the time.

I don’t hold much hope of a new Second Sight, since it didn’t garner the attention that the TimeSplitters series did, but a remaster would fill the gaping “games with psychic powers” hole in my Steam library (while we are at it, I’d also take a Psi-Ops remaster, thank you very much).

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