Tower 57 Gets November 16 Release Date

11 bit studios announced today that Pixwerk‘s neo-retro shooter Tower 57 will be released on November 16th. This one seems to be a great fit for twin stick shooter fans looking for a classic-meets-modern experience, as there’s all sorts of stuff to be discovered here, with character upgrades, destructible environments and beautiful dieselpunk graphics being the highlights for me. You can even replace lost limbs with cybernetic stuff!

Oh, and there’s both local and online co-op, double the players, double the fun! According to the developers, we’ll be able to combine weapon types for unique effects, and even carry our buddies if they lose their legs on an unfortunate accident (just a short lift to the vending station, I hope).

Tower 57 will retail for US$ 11.99, but co-op lovers can pick up a 2-pack for US$ 19.99, saving four dollars in the process.

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