Arena shooter fans disheartened by the recent Quake Champions reveal may find hope yet again in TOXIKK, a first person shooter that promises an experience that will bring gamers back to 1999 (in all the good ways)
TOXIKK is currently part of the Steam Early Access program, but the developers revealed today that the full version of the game will be out in September 9, and that in order to fix the biggest issue that most indie multiplayer games have, which is that they usually die before they can generate a strong enough community, they will also release a free edition that will be compatible with the paid version of the game.
TOXIKK‘s free edition will have some limitations, but it will not affect players’ performance in-game, and it may be played as many times as the user pleases (and for as long as they want)
The free edition will be available on Steam on September 9, which is also the date in which the complete version of the game will be released.
Here at Gaming on PC we applaud REAKKTOR Studios‘ decision, as it’s really painful to see independent developers releasing cool multiplayer games that fail to generate enough buzz, and die before a community can be formed around them. Releasing a limited free edition that can interact with the full version will ensure that the game’s community won’t die, and will let players who are on the fence check out the game and decide whether it’s worth their time and money or not.