Ubisoft Reflections, the masterminds behind Grow Home and Grow Up, have just revealed ATOMEGA, their own take on the popular arena shooter genre. Out next week, on September 19th, ATOMEGA will let players fight each other in a game mode that seems like a mix of the popular Agar.io and classic arena shooters.
ATOMEGA will cost US$ 9.99.
Up to eight players will face off in a low-poly arena, trying to acquire more mass than their opponents in order to become the OMEGA, a hulking beast that annihilates everything and everyone with its eye laser.
Game features:
- 1st person retro-arena shooter. FIGHT LIKE IT’S THE END OF TIME!
- A single arena on the brink of destruction. MASTER YOUR LAST MOMENTS!
- Compete online with up to 8 players. COMPETE FOR GLORY!
- Collect Mass to evolve through 7 EXOFORMs from nimble ATOM to godlike OMEGA each with different strengths, weaknesses and tactical advantages. BIGGER IS BETTER!
- Sustain OMEGA form to dominate the arena. YOU ARE LIKE UNTO A GOD!
- Collect 10 HACKS to temporally boost your abilities. WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING!