A Small Ode To Games During Troubling Times

It’s important to analyze games, and to weigh them well, and to find good experiences. But sometimes, it can be that celebrating games is enough, especially the ones we return to from time to time, and especially because of the fact that 2020 is shaping up to be a somewhat troubling year for many. 

While other entertainment forms do exist, just think of how games operate. We can connect through them. We can experience new worlds, and spend time enjoying them with care and immersion. We can even flex our own creative spirit in strategy titles such as Anno 1800, Cities: Skylines or Garry’s Mod. If suffering from mental fatigue or trouble, a comforting game such as Stardew Valley can give us respite from the chaos we feel in our personal lives.

Gaming is a beautiful thing. It truly helps us take a break from our problems, and used healthily, that can be important. Additionally, it’s important to note that without all of of the systems that provide us with the games we love, even the mediocre experiences, this beautiful hobby wouldn’t exist as well as it does now. Cybersecurity experts are perhaps more aware of this than most, as even a day of lacking internet, while annoying for most gamers, can be even more tragic than anticipated:

Infographic Designed By cyber-security.degree

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