Kinzie Kensington Joins the Agents of Mayhem with the Safeword Agent Pack DLC
The next DLC pack for Agents of Mayhem is here, and the star of the show is none other than Kinzie Kensington.
More details after the jump.
The next DLC pack for Agents of Mayhem is here, and the star of the show is none other than Kinzie Kensington.
More details after the jump.
Agents of Mayhem is one of the most entertaining open world shooters of this generation thanks to its fast paced combat and innovative team-up system. Sadly, Volition’s latest is far from perfect, as poor vehicle handling, annoying performance issues and a few nasty bugs conspire to drag down the overall experience.
Full review after the jump.
Agents of Mayhem’s release date is just around the corner… so here’s a launch trailer filled to the brim with crazy powers, fun quips and Ghostbusters references.
Video after the jump.
Volition announced today that gamers who preorder Agents of Mayhem through Steam will be able to play as Johnny Gat, last seen in Saints Row: Gat out of Hell.
More details after the jump.
A new trailer for Volition’s upcoming open world action extravaganza Agents of Mayhem has been leaked, and it reveals that the game will be released on August 2017.
More details after the jump.