Rock of Ages 3 Releasing on June 2 for PC and Consoles
Modus Games revealed today that ACE Team’s Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break will be out on June 2nd for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia.
Read more after the jump.
Modus Games revealed today that ACE Team’s Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break will be out on June 2nd for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia.
Read more after the jump.
Gaijin Entertainment revealed today that War Thunder’s roster of playable nations will be expanded when the 1.91 update hits, as China is about to be added to the game.
More details after the jump.
Blazing Chrome, the new game from JoyMasher, creators of Odallus and Oniken, is out on July 11 and it will probably sate your hunger for a new classic-style Contra.
More details after the jump.
Gaijin Entertainment revealed this week that War Thunder will soon add combat helicopters to its roster of playable vehicles.
More details after the jump.
Devolver Digital announced today that they are working with Terri Vellmann (Heavy Bullets) and Doseone (Enter the Gungeon, Gang Beasts) to produce High Hell, a bold and colorful first person shooter.
More details after the jump.
Team Meat has just unveiled a new trailer for Super Meat Boy Forever, which is now a full-fledged sequel to the original instead of a mobile spin-off, coming to PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Android/iOS in 2018.
More details after the jump.
After making waves on Android and iOS last year, Kestrel Games’ whimsical pirate fishing adventure Rule with an Iron Fish will drop anchor on Steam later today.
More details after the jump.
Housemarque’s upcoming arcade shooter Nex Machina will be released on June 20, according to the Steam Store page for the highly anticipated title.
More details after the jump.
STRAFE is a punishing roguelike first person shooter that will attract players with its 90s inspired aesthetic and keep them hooked thanks to its finely tuned gameplay.
Full review after the jump.
Saber Interactive announced today that NBA Playgrounds will be released on May 9 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
More details after the jump.