Blendo Games Reveals Immersive Shooter Skin Deep
Blendo Games is working on a new immersive FPS titled Skin Deep and set in a non-linear starship boarded by space pirates.
More details after the jump.
Blendo Games is working on a new immersive FPS titled Skin Deep and set in a non-linear starship boarded by space pirates.
More details after the jump.
Quadrilateral Cowboy is one of the most enjoyable titles of 2016, a perfect mix of great storytelling and intelligent puzzle design. Brendon Chung’s latest adventure may be a bit on the short side, but it’s definitely worth the asking price.
Full recommendation after the jump.
Blendo Games has announced that their recently released hacking adventure game Quadrilateral Cowboy now features Steam Workshop Support.
More details after the jump.
Blendo Games, an indie development team run by Brendon Chung and known for their surreal and highly experimental games has released the source code for their latest release, Quadrilateral Cowboy, under the GPL license.
More details after the jump.