Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred Gets Launch Times, Preload Details
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred launches on October 7th and we got the precise release times, as well as preload details, which start today on Battle.net.
Read more after the jump.
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred launches on October 7th and we got the precise release times, as well as preload details, which start today on Battle.net.
Read more after the jump.
These tips will help you get your characters to level 100 in no time, while also maximizing your loot acquisition in the new game mode.
Full article after the jump.
Blizzard revealed this week that Diablo 4’s upcoming Season of Blood will feature a number of highly requested quality of life improvements, as well as the game’s debut on Valve’s Steam platform.
More details after the jump.
Diablo Immortal is coming to PC, with an Open Beta scheduled for release on June 2nd, 2022.
More details after the jump.
Blizzard seems to have learned from Battle for Azeroth’s failures, and Shadowlands’ delay can only be a good thing for the community.
Full article after the jump.
Overwatch’s competitive mode has a trolling problem, and Blizzard should do something about it.
Blizzard announced today that their acclaimed hero shooter Overwatch will get a free weekend from November 18-21.
More details after the jump.
The eagerly anticipated Overwatch Halloween Update has finally been released, and gamers can now enjoy the all new 4 player co-op mode and the new horror themed skins.
More details after the jump.
Overwatch’s Competitive Season 2 seems to have started earlier than anticipated, as a new update added both the second competitive season, and the new map that has been in the Public Test Realm since Gamescom, Eichenwalde.
More details after the jump.
Looks like Blizzard is getting ready to release Eichenwalde, the new Overwatch map announced at Gamescom. The game’s development team has just updated the Public Test Realm, letting players test their new creation at their leisure.
More details after the jump.