Tower of Guns Dev Announces MOTHERGUNSHIP
Terrible Pasture Games announced today that they are working on a new bullet hell/FPS hybrid due for release later this year on PC and current gen consoles.
More details after the jump.
Terrible Pasture Games announced today that they are working on a new bullet hell/FPS hybrid due for release later this year on PC and current gen consoles.
More details after the jump.
Degica has finally announced a release date for the PC version of DoDonPachi Resurrection and it’s just around the corner, on October 14th.
More details after the jump.
RIVE is a masterfully crafted game that can be easily recommended to hardcore shooter fans. It’s high difficulty level may scare away potential players, but those who stick with Two Tribes’ final game until the end will not be disappointed.
Full review after the jump.
Dodge Roll Games has announced that their exquisite twin stick roguelike shooter Enter the Gungeon will be getting a free content update this fall.
More details after the jump.
Indie development team Bootdisk Revolution, creator of the 2013 action platformer Bleed, announced yesterday that the game will get a sequel, titled Bleed 2, and gave us an estimated release window of late 2016/early 2017.
Trailer after the jump.