December Humble Monthly Bundle Partially Leaked
According to a tweet posted by Humble Bundle, the next Monthly Bundle will feature Soul Calibur VI, Yakuza Kiwami and My Time at Portia.
Read more after the jump.
According to a tweet posted by Humble Bundle, the next Monthly Bundle will feature Soul Calibur VI, Yakuza Kiwami and My Time at Portia.
Read more after the jump.
Interested in helping a good cause and snagging some great games at unbeatable prices in the process? The One Gamer Fund sale is now live on Steam until September 23.
More details after the jump.
Fanatical has teamed up with Bethesda to offer DOOM (2016) for just US$ 9.99.
More details after the jump.
The next Humble Monthly will feature Total War: Warhammer for just US$ 12, as revealed today on their website.
More details after the jump.