Alien: Isolation Sequel Confirmed to Be in the Works
Al Hope, Creative Director for Alien: Isolation, took to Twitter today to confirm that a sequel to the beloved horror game is in early development.
Read more after the jump.
Al Hope, Creative Director for Alien: Isolation, took to Twitter today to confirm that a sequel to the beloved horror game is in early development.
Read more after the jump.
Valorware, creators of the 9th Dawn series of top-down open world old-school RPGs, are working on a remake of the first one, featuring all-new 2.5D graphics, a much more fluid action combat system and local two player co-op, among other things.
Read more after the jump.
Devolver Digital revealed this week that Boomerang X will be released on July 8th for PC and Nintendo Switch.
Read more after the jump.
Resident Evil Village is an excellent addition to the series, expertly mixing horror, action and exploration for an experience that will stay in gamers’ minds for years to come.
Full review after the jump.
Playdius announced today that AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected will be out for PC on February 13th.
Gameplay trailer and more details after the jump.
Call of Cthulhu never manages to live up to the hype, but at the same time it doesn’t entirely throw away the excitement of its rather unique premise.
Full review after the jump.
Here’s all the information we currently have on Campo Santo’s In the Valley of Gods.
Full article after the jump.
THQ Nordic announced this week that they’ve acquired both the TimeSplitters and Second Sight IPs.
More details after the jump.
Developers Xaviant have taken down The Culling 2, and released a rebooted version of The Culling in its place, with a free to play release looming in the future.
More details after the jump.
Developers Xaviant revealed this week that The Culling 2 will let players virtually tear each other apart from today onwards.
More details after the jump.