Day of Infamy Leaves Early Access Today
New World Interactive’s WW2 tactical shooter Day of Infamy will leave Early Access today, after spending less than a year on the program.
More details after the jump.
New World Interactive’s WW2 tactical shooter Day of Infamy will leave Early Access today, after spending less than a year on the program.
More details after the jump.
PaperSeven announced today that their upcoming story driven first person adventure title Blackwood Crossing will be released on April 5 for PC.
More details after the jump.
Triternion, a 10-person international indie development outfit, has just launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund development of their multiplayer medieval fighting game Mordhau.
More details after the jump.
Playdius Entertainment announced today that they will publish Aurelien Regard’s next game, a beautiful first person roguelike titled AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected.
More details after the jump.
Red Barrels announced today that their highly anticipated horror title Outlast 2 will be released on April 25th.
More details after the jump.
Big Robot’s upcoming sci-fi open world first person shooter The Signal from Tölva is almost upon us, as the title’s Steam store page points to an April release.
More details after the jump.
Torn Banner Studios announced today that gamers who preorder Mirage: Arcane Warfare from March 27 will be granted instant access to the title’s Closed Beta.
More details after the jump.
Quadrilateral Cowboy is one of the most enjoyable titles of 2016, a perfect mix of great storytelling and intelligent puzzle design. Brendon Chung’s latest adventure may be a bit on the short side, but it’s definitely worth the asking price.
Full recommendation after the jump.
Finish Line Games has just announced that their first person adventure game about sentient corn will be out on Steam next month, on the first day of December.
More details after the jump.
The highly anticipated Routine will be out on March 2017, according to a release date trailer posted by developers Lunar Software today.
Video after the jump.