Million to One Hero Will Let Players Create Their Own Odyssey
Who needs Mario Maker when there’s something like Million to One Hero in the horizon?
Level editor trailer and more details after the jump.
Who needs Mario Maker when there’s something like Million to One Hero in the horizon?
Level editor trailer and more details after the jump.
Night Dive Studios has just released a level editor for their excellent Turok re-release, allowing players to create and modify maps, and then share their work on the Steam Workshop.
More details after the jump.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’s Mod Tools are finally available in Open Beta.
More details after the jump.
N++, also known as NPLUSPLUS, is coming to Steam later this month. The game, a former PS4 exclusive, will get a full Steam launch in August 25, as announced during Gamescom.
More details after the jump.