Loot Boxes: When Should We Start To Worry?
With loot boxes rising in popularity lately, should we start to worry about their unintended side effects?
Full article after the jump.
With loot boxes rising in popularity lately, should we start to worry about their unintended side effects?
Full article after the jump.
New digital platforms are nice, but publishers looking for a bigger cut should deliver a service that’s equal or better than Steam.
Full article after the jump.
Would you pay US$250 for the base edition of a new game? According to Polygon, that’s a fair price if you live in a poor region of the world.
Full article after the jump.
Now that the Battlefield V open Beta is over, let’s talk about the elephant in the room.
Full article after the jump.
Over the last few weeks, Bluehole has been accused of introducing “pay to win” elements to PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS. Is there any truth behind those claims?
Read more after the jump.
Boycotting a game/developer based on their implementation of a certain DRM solution is perfectly fine, but pirating their work sends the wrong message.
Full article after the jump.
Overwatch’s competitive mode has a trolling problem, and Blizzard should do something about it.