New Heroes of the Storm video reveals Zarya as an upcoming hero
Looks like Zarya will soon enter the Nexus in Heroes of the Storm, joining Tracer as they represent the Overwatch franchise in Blizzard’s MOBA.
More details after the jump.
Looks like Zarya will soon enter the Nexus in Heroes of the Storm, joining Tracer as they represent the Overwatch franchise in Blizzard’s MOBA.
More details after the jump.
Overwatch fans rejoice! The competitive shooter will soon get a new map, as revealed by Blizzard at Gamescom.
More details after the jump.
Overwatch’s servers finally got a much needed upgrade, and they are now running at 60 ticks, instead of 20.
More details after the jump.
Lúcioball, Overwatch’s new Olympics inspired Brawl Mode, has a nasty glitch that lets cheeky players change character and kill others (the game mode has been designed with just Lúcio in mind, and no murder should be involved in it)
Game Director Jeff Kaplan says that players abusing the glitch may be punished in the future.
More details after the jump.
Overwatch’s first Competitive Season will end in August 17 and, until now, we knew that participants would get rewarded with sprays and competitive points, but we didn’t know how many they would get.
More details after the jump.
As our previous article anticipated, Blizzard has released a new game mode to coincide with the Rio Olympic Games. This new weekly brawl mode is Blizzard’s own take on football, and it features an all new stadium themed map.
More details and gameplay after the jump.
No official announcement has been made, but streamers have been getting boxes with new Overwatch items inspired by the Rio Olympic Games.
Images after the jump.