Obsidian’s Tyranny Gets November 10 Release Date
Obsidian Entertainment and Paradox Interactive announced today that the acclaimed RPG developer’s latest game will be released on November 10.
More details after the jump.
Obsidian Entertainment and Paradox Interactive announced today that the acclaimed RPG developer’s latest game will be released on November 10.
More details after the jump.
Paradox Interactive announced today that Stellaris will get a new expansion this autumn, known as the Leviathans story pack
More details after the jump.
Grand strategy fans yearning for more Europa Universalis IV content will be happy to know that the upcoming Rights of Man expansion finally has a release date, and it’s as soon as October 11th.
Teaser trailer and more details after the jump.
Paradox Interactive announced today that their highly successful city building game, Cities: Skylines, will get an expansion adding all sorts of catastrophic events later this year.
Trailer and more information after the jump.