Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem Revealed, Out on January 25
Croteam and Timelock Studio revealed today that Serious Sam 4 is getting a standalone expansion, titled Siberian Mayhem and due for release on January 25th.
Read more after the jump.
Croteam and Timelock Studio revealed today that Serious Sam 4 is getting a standalone expansion, titled Siberian Mayhem and due for release on January 25th.
Read more after the jump.
Here’s our Games of 2020 list, including our Game of the Year pick, our favorites for some categories, and the most disappointing release we played but might not have covered.
Full article after the jump.
Serious Sam 4 is the heavy metal mosh pit to Doom’s beautifully choreographed ballet of death. Rough around the edges, but incredibly fun to play if you are a first person shooter fan.
Full review after the jump.