Chorus Hits PC and Consoles on December 3
Deep Silver and FISHLABS revealed today that their single player story-focused space shooter Chorus will hit PC and consoles on December 3rd.
Read more after the jump.
Deep Silver and FISHLABS revealed today that their single player story-focused space shooter Chorus will hit PC and consoles on December 3rd.
Read more after the jump.
ROCKFISH Games revealed today that EVERSPACE 2 will hit Steam Early Access/GOG Games in Development on January 18th.
More details after the jump.
Marauder Interactive’s promising space shooter House of the Dying Sun (formerly known as Enemy Starfighter) is now out of Early Access.
More details after the jump.
Armature Studio announced today that the servers for their multiplayer space shooter Dead Star will shut down on November 1.
More details after the jump.