Erik Wolpaw Returns to Valve
Erik Wolpaw has rejoined Valve after a short stint as a Psychonauts 2 writer.
More details after the jump.
Erik Wolpaw has rejoined Valve after a short stint as a Psychonauts 2 writer.
More details after the jump.
New digital platforms are nice, but publishers looking for a bigger cut should deliver a service that’s equal or better than Steam.
Full article after the jump.
Would you pay US$250 for the base edition of a new game? According to Polygon, that’s a fair price if you live in a poor region of the world.
Full article after the jump.
Here’s all the information we currently have on Campo Santo’s In the Valley of Gods.
Full article after the jump.
Bookstores sell all kinds of books and no one ever goes after them. Why should Steam be different?
Full article after the jump.
Earlier this week, Valve completely overhauled the way Steam gifts work, removing some functions and tweaking others. Sadly, these changes will negatively impact users from poorer regions of the globe in many ways.
Read more after the jump.
Last week’s update to the Steam User Reviews feature has boosted some titles’ review scores because reviews for refunded games don’t count towards the overall score now.
More details after the jump.
In a move that may anger some Steam users, Valve has decided to restrict customers’ ability to gift VAC and Game Ban enabled games.
More details after the jump.