ReCore Gets 30 Minutes Free Trial on Windows 10
Microsoft Studios announced today that ReCore will get a free 30 minutes trial on the Windows 10 Store.
More details after the jump.
Microsoft Studios announced today that ReCore will get a free 30 minutes trial on the Windows 10 Store.
More details after the jump.
Gamers looking forward to playing Gears of War 4 will be able to preload the game’s PC version from the Windows Store later today.
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Gamers looking forward to playing Forza Horizon 3 on PC can preload it right now, and should expect a 50gb download.
More details after the jump.
Microsoft has just released the launch trailer for the upcoming Gears of War 4, and PC Gamer reports that the PC version of the game will feature split-screen co-op.
More details after the jump.
Gears of War 4 will not support HDR on Windows 10 at launch, though the development team may patch it in after the game is out if there’s enough demand.
More details after the jump.
It seems that Microsoft has launched Halo 5: Forge a bit earlier than expected, as the game went up on the Windows Store earlier today.
More details and download link after the jump.
Microsoft announced today that Forza Motorsport 6: Apex is out of beta, and it now supports many popular racing wheels.
More details after the jump.
Microsoft announced today that Halo 5: Forge will get a PC launch on September 8.
More details after the jump.
Microsoft Studios announced today that Quantum Break will get a Steam release on September 14.
More details after the jump.